Weekly language classes run by qualified language teachers allow the children to develop greater mental flexibility whilst developing an appreciation for other cultures. The classes incorporate arts/craft, singing, songs, puppets, visuals, games and stories.
Same books as used in schools. Short story books available for children to borrow and take home in preparation for kindergarten.
Circle activities for children to make their own told stories, use puppets and design books to increase literacy understanding.
Daily sessions allowing the children to develop their language skills through sharing information of something meaningful to them.
In our nursery, the educators model language and encourage children to express themselves through language in a range of contexts and for a range of purposes. This enables the children to respond verbally or non-verbally to what they see, hear, touch, feel and taste.
In our explorers room, educators provide a literacy enriched environment, which enables the children to view and listen to printed, visual and multimedia texts and respond with relevant gestures, actions, comments and/or questions.
In our preschool room, children are encouraged to interact with others to explore ideas and concepts, clarify and challenge thinking and negotiate and share new understandings. Children will begin to understand key literacy and numeracy concepts and processes, such as the sounds of language, letter-sound relationships, concepts of print and the ways that texts are structured.